Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hooters Magazine

Unfortunately I am in New York City today. Why is that so unfortunate? Is it because:

  1. no golf?

  2. too humid?

  3. I dont't like crowds?

  4. none of the above

If you answered #4 you are correct. The reason I am unhappy about being in New York is because I can't get the latest edition of Hooters Magazine anywhere around here. Not only is this month's Hooters supposed to be filled with information about Wings, Beer, and photos of the fine Hooters waitstaff but it features GRIP Hypersteel Hybrids!

I believe the good people at Hooters sent me a few copies. The magazine is tough to find in the city very tough.

thank you Hooters!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Free Clubs

I have been getting a lot of questions from people about why we don't give away "Free Clubs" to help promote our company and brand.

We ordered a few "free clubs" from some other golf companies. We paid no less than $20 for each free club. Based on the clubs themselves we estimate each club costs about $5-6.75 after assembly costs. This is based on the materials, design quality, and the shaft and grip.

If my basic math correct, I will assume the following:
Cost of club: $6.75
Cost of Box: $1.50 (this assumes they use good boxes)
Average cost of shipping $7.50 (we assume they have the same rates as us if not better) this is from MA to CA.

I have to be honest. I can't compete with this model. At $20-$25 we would go out of business on free wedges. Each GRIP wedge would sell for a substantial loss. At $49.95 our CNC milled Wedge is a tremendous value. At 3 for $99 they are an amazing value. When they go on sale they are unbeatable.

The moral of the story is:

  1. Nobody is giving away clubs - the $20-$25 in shipping and handling more than covers the cost of the product, shipping, and handling.

  2. giving away your product away for less than it's cost is not a strong business model.

  3. I am confident that those who offer "free clubs" make money after shipping and handling.

I am going to belly up. From now until July 1, I will offer GRIP CNC Milled Wedges for $30 each (+$7.95 shipping) if you use our coupon code 'freewedge'

For $5-$15 more than the "Free Wedge offers" we will send you the best sand, gap, or lob wedge you have ever used. I promise. If you don't like it, send it back and we'll give you your money back.

If someone offered you a "Free Car" or a "Free Haircut" would you raise an eyebrow? How about if the Haircut had fees of $12 or the car had an "aquisition charge" of $7,000?